34th best player by the Blue Star Report
42nd by Basketball News
Mention All America by USA Today
Mention All America by Street and Smith
League Player of the Year
Team All State
over 40 points three times in the 1999-2000 season
a standout on her track and field team in high school
competed in the 100m hurdles as a freshman and recored the fastest time
in the area
is youngest of Peggy and Earl McCullough, who was a standout for the Detroit
Lions for seven years after being named "Rookie of the Year in 1962.
June 26,1982, she is intrested in the field of communications.
If you could have an ESPN Sports Center highlight, what would it be? | Crossing over an opponet |
Which sportscenters do you watch? | All |
If you could be on the cover of any magazine next month,what would it be? | Slam |
Three people you would invite to dinner? | Michael Jordan,Cynthia Cooper and Allen Iverson |
If you could sing one song beautifully and perfectly, what would it be? | My First Love |
What would you title your autobiography? | Dawn's Magic |
If you could be a guest star on one television show, what would it be? | Martin |
The best sporting event you ever attended? | WNBA game Houston Comets versus LA Sparks |
Your craziest ambition? | Sky diving |
What possesion can't you live without? | A phone |
Favorite website | yahoo.com |
Your favorite Stringer expression? | "Come ready to play" |
Dawn McCullouch Pictures
on the basketball to go back to the roster.
on the basketball to go home.